Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to invest in a quality professional photographer?

Investing in a quality professional photographer is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, a professional photographer possesses the expertise, experience, and technical skills necessary to capture moments with precision and creativity. They understand lighting, composition, and framing to produce images that not only document but also evoke emotion and tell a story. Secondly, the equipment used by professionals ensures high-quality images, with sharpness, clarity, and depth that is impossible to achieve with amateur gear. Additionally, a professional photographer offers a level of reliability and consistency, delivering results that meet or exceed expectations. Moreover, hiring a professional ensures peace of mind, allowing you to fully enjoy the moment without worrying about capturing it yourself. Ultimately, the investment in a quality professional photographer translates into timeless memories preserved in stunning imagery, making it a worthwhile and invaluable expenditure for any occasion or event.

Why pay so much just for wedding photos? Can’t my second cousin just take them on her blackberry?

Paying for professional quality wedding photos is essential as they capture precious moments and emotions that will be cherished for a lifetime. These photos serve as tangible memories of one of the most significant days in a couple's life, allowing them to relive the magic and romance of their wedding day whenever they glance at them. High-quality images also ensure that every detail, from the stunning venue decorations to the heartfelt expressions on the faces of loved ones, is preserved with clarity and precision. Moreover, professionally taken photos often employ advanced techniques and equipment, resulting in superior composition, lighting, and editing, which elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of the images. Ultimately, quality wedding photos not only document the event but also become a timeless keepsake that can be passed down through generations, celebrating love, commitment, and the joyous union of two individuals.

What should I/we wear?

Choose simple color coordinated outfits. Color coordinating and avoiding distracting patterns during a photography shoot is beneficial because it helps create a cohesive and visually appealing product. Matching or complementary colors among subjects can enhance the overall harmony of the photograph, drawing attention to the people or focal points rather than clashing patterns or colors. Additionally, avoiding busy patterns or overly bright colors prevents them from overpowering the image, allowing the subjects to remain the main focus. By simplifying the wardrobe choices, the focus can remain on capturing the emotions, expressions, and moments that make the photograph memorable.

Why is it so important to get Family Photos?

Skipping out on family photos means missing out on capturing important moments and memories with loved ones. Family photos serve as a visual legacy, documenting the growth and changes within the family over time. They provide an opportunity to preserve cherished moments, from milestones and celebrations to everyday interactions, fostering a sense of connection and nostalgia. Additionally, family photos become treasured keepsakes that can be passed down through generations, serving as a source of joy and remembrance for years to come. By prioritizing family photos, individuals ensure that their family's story is preserved and celebrated, creating a tangible reminder of the love and bond shared among family members.

What if I just want a few pictures, do I still have to pay for an hour?

YES, you still have to pay full price. I get this question a lot. And what they are really asking is, “Can I get your Level of expertise and professional work for less than your asking price?” And the answer to that is, NO, if you value my work and experience, it should be worth it to you. If not, there are plenty of cheap, low quality professionals out there you can contact.

Why is important to invest in pictures for the birth of you child?

Capturing the essence of childbirth through professional photography is an invaluable investment for numerous reasons. Firstly, these images immortalize the profound emotions, intimate moments, and miraculous journey of bringing new life into the world. They serve as a tangible reminder of the strength, love, and resilience exhibited during labor and delivery, allowing families to relive these cherished memories for years to come. Moreover, professional birth photographers provide a supportive presence, offering reassurance and expertise while discreetly documenting every significant detail. These photographs not only celebrate the arrival of a precious child but also commemorate the incredible journey of parenthood, serving as a timeless treasure that families can cherish and share with future generations.

Can I offer a second photographer and/ or videographers?

YES, depending on date and availability, I can offer 2nd shooters and videographers for your big day or event.